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An Extension of Support: A Bridge to the Future

In spring 2024, United Way of Forsyth County is embarking on a journey of reflection and strategic planning, with a commitment to our community and the programs we support. In line with our core values, we are eager to share our plans, emphasizing our ongoing commitment to transparency, effective communication, and continuous improvement in how we invest in our community's well being.

Understanding the critical role our funded programs play in Forsyth County, we are pleased to announce that funding for all current programs will be extended through June 30, 2025. This extension is contingent upon successful programmatic outcomes and the results of our current campaign, underscoring the importance of collective support and engagement from our community.


In April 2024, we will release a Funding Renewal Application for July 2024 through June 2025. This step is to ensure the continuity of support for our programs as well as to capture anticipated changes and identify any barriers to service delivery. It is essential for programs seeking continued funding to submit this application, as it will play a key role in our review and allocation process. Following the distribution of funds, we will require programs to report on anticipated participant numbers and any changes due to funding levels. This reporting is vital for both transparency and for our strategic planning, ensuring that we remain responsive to the needs of our community and the programs that serve them.


A new investment cycle starts July 1, 2025, aligned with our strategic plan, ensuring that our investments continue to meet the evolving needs of Forsyth County. The Request for Proposal (RFP) process for this next cycle begins in fall 2024.

The United Way of Forsyth County is more than just a funding organization; we are a partner in progress, a supporter of sustainable change, and a believer in the power of community. Together, embracing our roles as convener, collaborator, and catalyst, we stand poised to overcome obstacles and illuminate the path toward a brighter, more resilient future for Forsyth County.

Key Point:

• Funding for all current programs will be extended through June 30, 2025, contingent on programmatic success and current campaign outcomes.

• A funding renewal application for July 2024 to June 2025 will be released in April 2024;

• Programs must submit the renewal application to continue receiving funding; and

• A new investment cycle begins July 1, 2025, aligned with the new strategic plan, with an RFP process starting in September/October 2024.

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